
Learn what you need to know about business, media, startups & local entrepreneurs in UAE, personal relationships, & societal trends with discussions & advice.

Survival Guide: 5 Ways To Cope With Homesickness

Whether you’re a freshmen or a senior at university, the initial gut-wrenching homesickness one experiences is almost always the same! Since we’re all in the same boat, I thought maybe ‘Hira’s’ 5 ways to cope with homesickness’ might help: 1. Unpack your suitcase immedi…

This Man Let His Daughter Drown To Keep Her Honor Intact

About two weeks ago, it was reported that a 20 year-old girl in Dubai drowned, as her father stopped lifeguards from saving her. According to reports, the man said that he “prefers his daughter being dead than being touched by a strange man.” This man’s belief kept the lifeguards from saving his dau…

Germanhome - cover
A German Home: Toasting A Bold Humanitarian Move | #AGermanHome

Featured Image Artwork: Anete Thomas It is the worst humanitarian crisis Europe has faced since the Second World War. According to the UNHCR, more than 4 million Syrians have fled their country since the war began in 2011. Syria’s neighbors Turkey and Jordan have been reeling with the influx of refu…

confirmation bias
Are You Wrong? This Is How Confirmation Bias Fools You

On my flight back home this summer, I delved into ‘The Art of Thinking Clearly’, a peculiar and cleverly written book by Rolf Dobelli. I enjoyed the refreshing critical thinking and open mindedness with which the different chapters were written, each focused on a different psychological theory. I st…

5 Most Awkward Moments In Political History
5 Most Awkward Moments In Political History

1. Napoleon’s Russian Campaign In 1812 at the zenith of his power, the French general gathered a massive army of 400,000 men from all over Western Europe. Thought to be invincible and envisioning an instant victory, Napoleon led his men through Russia only to be reduced down to ragged fugitives. Log…

Heart-Warming Stories From Women Living In The UAE
Heart-Warming Stories From Women Living In The UAE

Worshipped in the form of a mother, loved in the form of wife and treasured in the role of a sister, the woman folk of any country are a blessing to its survival. Their well-being remains a matter of great surveillance as well as great pride in many countries today. UAE is one such country …

How To Maintain A Long Distance Friendship
How To Maintain A Long Distance Friendship

After my best friend moved away three years ago, I spent a fair share of my time isolated in my room, listening to James Blunt and whining to everyone around me about how unfair it all was. What I didn’t realise then was that goodbyes aren’t necessarily a bad thing- as cliche as this all…

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What You Didn’t Consider: Being A Working Woman in Pakistan

Diary of a ‘wilayaati larki’, the girl from abroad. At the age of 22, heading to senior year at University, I had enough journalistic experience under my belt to be spoilt for internship options. Contrary to most people’s choices, I decided to opt for a work experience away from home, my Dubai. I wa…

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6 Free Online Learning Websites That Can Teach You Anything

Bereft of travel plans this August, I found myself aimlessly browsing a lot of pages online. Fantastically, inmy boredom, I tumbled upon the huge world of online learning through MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses). Okay, maybe learning isn’t your thing and idleness is, but when you check them out, …

Fret Not, High School Grads: Here's The Freshman Survival Guide
A Comprehensive Freshman Survival Guide

During your first week, carry a box of cookies in your bag: You may not get time between lectures that are close together and they’re a ice-breaker. Don’t buy your textbooks until after the second class: Your professor will indicate whether you need them and they’re quite expensive. Use online sourc…

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Wealth, Elitism And Arrogance: What Can Be Done?

This article, by no means, tries to imply all wealthy individuals are arrogant. It only humbly attempts to bring to light a phenomenon we’ve all become arguably immune to. You must be familiar with the sinking feeling of inadequacy and the rage that follows if you’ve ever been rejected entry to a ni…

To Hang Or Not To Hang : Yakub Memon
To Hang Or Not To Hang : Yakub Memon

… That Is The Question It has been more than two decades but the Friday of March 12, 1993, is still fresh in the minds of those who had the misfortune of witnessing one of the most terrible acts of mankind against itself. Back in 1993, little did India know that Black Friday, as it notoriously…

Loulou Khazen Baz: Making Full-Time Freelancing Real
Loulou Khazen Baz: Making Full-Time Freelancing Real

Picture this: you’re at home one night, browsing through Facebook as usual. A friend’s posted photos, he’s holidaying somewhere exotic. You start thinking, “How expensive would it be to go on a vacation like that?” You weigh the pros and cons. Pros: It looks awesome. Cons: It looks expensive. You’ve…

This, That & Other Nonsense: To Kill A Watchman | PG Bhaskar
This, That & Other Nonsense: To Kill a Watchman | PG Bhaskar

In 1960, Nelle Harper Lee’s book To Kill A Mockingbird set the literary stage on fire, winning her the Pulitzer prize. After a few years in the limelight, Lee seemed to have gone into hibernation except for the odd legal case that she filed. And then this year, quite out of the blue, came Go …

The Idle Diaries: Bucket List Rants

All statistics in this article are entirely made up, exaggerated and manipulated to emphatically prove my point. Please do not take these at face value. Tim is on the verge of being brutally assassinated, Tim is crying and begging for mercy. Tim: Please don’t do this, I’ve a CGPA of 4.8! Assassinato…

Drinking Responsibly: Can You Blame It On The A-a-a-alcohol?

You’re at a party. There are people milling all around you, in a haze of drink and smoke. You see that girl, staggering in her attempt to stand straight, unable to make sense of what’s happening around her. Ultimately, she drops onto the floor, passed out. There are men, bleary eyed and dancing with…

Celebrity Role Models: Drug-Addicts, Nudists & Reckless Behavior

We know it’s easy to get engrossed in celebrity scandals and gossip over world issues. Newspapers, digital publications, television channels all use entertainment content as a light-hearted touch in the midst of otherwise grave news; but what happens when the subscription of celebrity gossip magazin…

Savour Solitude: 3 Reasons to Get Some Alone-Time

Contrary to what first springs to mind when the word ‘solitude’ is uttered, it may be one of the best gifts we’re received. Solitude and loneliness are two very different things, although they may look the same from a third person’s point of view. Loneliness is a sort of grief that you experience wh…

work mantra
7 Spirited People Share Their Work Mantra

Even if you’re one of the lucky ones that landed a job of your choice, there are days when your job seems overwhelming. There are days when laziness seeps in like water, quietly, and bolts you down. For these situations, many successful people have a work mantra – a few words of wisdom that re…

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