5 Things To Do When You’re Bed-Ridden

5 Ways To Be Productive When You Are In Bed

Amrita Thakkar HEALTH ,,,,,,,,
Imagine this: you’re heading off happily to university/work one day, and out of the blue, you trip and fall headlong down a flight of stairs. Before you know it – crack ! You’ve wound up with a broken ankle.
Even in the best case scenario, you’re likely to be bedridden for at least a month, possibly two. Well, being bedridden may be one scenario, alternatively, another common scenario that presents itself is one that involves just not wanting to get out of bed.
We’re all familiar with those days when we just want to lull and roll around in the comfort of our beds. In such cases, we figured it would be handy to give you a list of things you can pursue (without too much effort) that will give you that feeling of accomplishment while staying in bed:
1. TV series marathons: You know how we bemoan that we have no time to watch out favorite shows, and then when we do, we binge watch entire seasons in a day? Well, now you have an excuse! Download them off the Internet, or ask someone to lend you their hard drives, and get entwined in your favorite characters’ lives. You can pick from older favorites like FRIENDS, Gossip Girl or Breaking Bad, or watch ongoing ones such as Orange is The New Black, The Wire, or Game of Thrones.
5 Ways To Be Productive When You Are In Bed
2.  Start a project/Learn a new “how to”: Google things you’ve wanted to learn for a while. I borrowed a guitar from a friend and learnt chords off the Internet, which was something I’d been wanting to do for a while. You can learn to do a lot of creative things with unlimited time on your hands (as long as you have someone to fetch and carry). You can even get in touch with old hobbies you might not have had time for recently. Do origami, write poetry, paint – don’t push yourself too hard, but keep going. Heck, you can use YouTube to literally learn almost anything.For example, remember when Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory learns to swim without even getting into water or when he learns to drive without getting into a car. His plans may have not quite panned out, but you get my drift. (In fact, once you have done reading and sharing this article, get on YouTube and type in something you have wanted to learn and get on episode 1.)
5 Ways To Be Productive When You Are In Bed
3. Movie marathons: Films are another great way to pass the time. To make it fun, pick a theme: one day to watch only animated films, another to watch purely Alfred Hitchcock’s masterpieces, or one for horror films only (don’t do this if you’re sleeping alone. Trust me, nothing more terrifying than being bed ridden AND imagining monsters under your bed). Most likely, your friends will be visiting, so set up a movie night – just because you can’t go out doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy with your friends!
5 Ways To Be Productive When You Are In Bed
4. Train your brain: Face it, you don’t feel like going to the gym for your body, why not take your mind to the gym from the haven of your bed? The Internet is your best resource not just for passing the time mindlessly, but also for learning. Use for brain training games, or to learn Spanish, German or another language.
5 Ways To Be Productive When You Are In Bed
4. Catch up: Between assignments, long working hours and other commitments, most of us lose touch with our friends in our teens and 20s, especially if they live abroad. Call up someone you haven’t spoken to for a while on Skype, write a letter (an actual, snail mail letter) to someone you miss, or just have an uninterrupted chat conversation with a friend for an hour or so. Make sure that the other party has some free time as well, of course.
5 Ways To Be Productive When You Are In Bed
5. Read a book: If you’re not a reader, now is the time to start. Reading is literally one of the best ways to get yourself out of the mind numbing boredom of being stuck in one place day in and day out. However, if you are an easily distracted reader, like me, take it one step further and start that book you always intended to start ‘at some point.’ Been terrified of getting through the 1000+ pages of Shantaram? Think you’ll be unable to focus on the nuances of The Fountainhead? You have abundant time to concentrate now – make use of it!
5 Ways To Be Productive When You Are In Bed
7. Keep up with your work: Bed rest, sadly, for most of us, doesn’t mean a vacation. If it’s extended, try to keep up with your courses/work as much as possible. Don’t stress yourself out, but you will definitely be thankful for this once you get back to the routine!
5 Ways To Be Productive When You Are In Bed