As millennials, we’re no strangers to the threats to our environment. As millennials, we’re also highly aware of the importance of exercise. As a solution to both of these critical issues, two young E…
THSWKND: 5 Heady Activities in Dubai Feb 4-6, 2016
It’s that wonderful time of the week again – the weekend. 2 whole days and nights dedicated to you. You can lay in, party out, start a new routine or reset your internal clock; whatever he…
Self-Balancing Scooters: A Risk For Millennials?
On a Friday evening, I headed to the Corniche for a walk with the weather crisp and slightly cold, the atmosphere serene and the walk – indispensable for my jammed muscles. It was encouraging to…
Self-Balancing Scooters: A Risk For Millennials?
YOUR NAME YOUR FIRST NAME YOUR FAMILY/LAST NAME YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS YOUR TITLE YOUR BRAND balance wheels,cycling,exercise,health,hover boards,safety,scooters,security,self-balancing scooter,walkingOn a Friday evening, I headed to the Corniche for a walk with the weather crisp and slightly cold, the atmosphere serene and the walk – indispensable for my jammed muscles. It was encouraging to see people running, jogging and engaging in sport to keep themselves healthy. However, my eyes caught sight of these futuristic-looking ‘hover boards’; battery-powered devices with […]