Should I call back? No. I should probably wait a little longer. I mean I was sure I’d get the call back soon, but it’s been a week. It’s only a week, not that long. Seven days I’ve waited and I can wait a little bit longer. I don’t want to seem clingy or needy – nobody likes that – that’s usually an indicator to run the other way. I hope I didn’t over-sell myself, though. I did want to impress without seeming like I was trying too hard. Nobody likes a try-hard either – such a turn off! I was sure I looked good too: my hair was done, my makeup was on point, my clothes were fine and I checked myself out about 500 times in the mirror before I left. Did I wear perfume!? Oh, no! Wait. I’m sure I did. Yes, of course, it was Chanel No5. I remember clearly because I remember thinking: I smell so classy and sophisticated, how can anyone NOT want me?
My breath didn’t smell either, I know that for sure: brushed my teeth before I left and popped a few mints before I got there (okay fine! I also popped a few while waiting…they’re addictive!). I hope there were no sweat patches, I mean I was layered up, it was hot outside and I was teetering along in heels, so that slowed me down. Well, I guess it’s too late to worry about that now. I’m sure they weren’t even noticeable (Please God, let them not have been noticeable). I hope my stomach grumbling noises weren’t too loud during our brief conversation. Of course I was hungry, I was nervous, dressed up (didn’t want to ruin my lipstick) and didn’t want to have anything stuck in my teeth while we spoke either.
How did the conversation go exactly? I remember being funny and relatable – that was probably really smart – everybody loves a funny girl. I was sure I didn’t swear – I mentally prepared things before actually saying them out loud. Previous experiences have made it clear I really need to keep a check on that brain-mouth filter of mine. Although, I’ve got to admit: I’m pretty good at improvising and I’m sure that was impressive. People like others who can think on their feet – it’s a skill you’re just born with. I am born with it. I made sure that was known, but what if seemed like I was bragging? And it’s not exactly like it was a test on how good I am at making stuff up – quite the opposite. Using it in moderation is totally fine, acceptable – normal even. Now that I think about it, I don’t remember how the conversation went. There were a lot of questions being asked about me. Isn’t it weird to have to sit there and tell someone about yourself when literally nothing comes to mind? I mean you know you’re a great person with so many qualities, but when someone asks you, the mind draws a blank, so you’re sitting there with your mouth open, eyes blinking rapidly, not saying anything. I did, however, make sure I spoke clearly – not too fast and not too much – as you can tell, I have a habit of rambling on. I made sure I was eloquent and maintained eye-contact the whole time. That’s the key: good eye-contact to keep their attention and let them know how serious you are.
“So where are you from?”
“Your accent it’s a mix of American and British?”
“Oh…yeah…that’s because I went to a British school for a while and I picked up on it – it’s more of an international accent”
Ugh, why couldn’t I just have a normal accent? I probably seemed like such a phony! I was quite sure I didn’t have too many hand gestures while I spoke too- didn’t want to seem like a cartoon – animated.
“This seems really promising; I’ll get back to you within a week!”
Oww yeeaah, cat’s in the bag!
I’m not some amateur. No, sir. I’m a pro! I’ve done this so many times: meeting someone for the first time, introducing myself, letting them know who I am and what I’m all about. I could practically be an expert at giving job interviews, but that’s not the hard part. It’s getting-the-actual-job bit that’s tricky. The wait. They always say they’ll get back to you “soon”, “shortly”, “in the next few days/weeks”, and you wait. Patiently. Achingly. Nervously. Holding the phone a little too close to you at all times. Checking constantly: Emails, messages, call logs. Did you get it? Were you good enough? You swore after the last place said they “aren’t looking to hire right now”, you won’t doubt yourself – their loss, really.
So, should I call? No, I should probably wait a little longer. I mean I was sure I’d get the call back soon, but it’s been a week. It’s only a week, not that long. Seven days I’ve waited and I can wait a little bit longer.