
This, That & Other Nonsense Vol. XXVI: The Right Key | PG Bhaskar


PG Bhaskar Books ,,

A few days back, the cover of my car key remote peeled off. I had never even considered the possibility of such a thing happening, but there it is.

I examined what was left of the key in a fuzzy, woolly-headed kind of way and realized that any sharp thingy could possibly activate it. Scouring the area, I found a paper clip using which, I managed to open the car. And felt mighty pleased with myself. Never had I credited myself with such incredible ‘technical’ skills. I carried the clip around for a few days but then one evening, at my office car-park, I found it missing. I stood there and thought. And thought. Then pow! A light-bulb flashed in my brain.

I didn’t need a clip. This was a key after all, wasn’t it? Couldn’t I just insert it and turn? Just like one used to?

So I did just that. And voila! It clicked. Proudly, I opened the door. And just as I did, a foul, manic, siren-noise rent the air. Aghast, I leapt back. My dumb car hadn’t ‘recognised’ its owner! The siren got louder and louder. Wringing my hands, I looked around in desperation. Was there no one in the world to help me?

Then I saw a security guard walking towards me. Relief was tinged with fear. I was just contemplating putting my hands up and crying ‘No! I wasn’t stealing it! It’s my own car!’ when I noticed that he didn’t seem too perturbed. Calmly he took the key from me and started the engine. The siren stopped.

Silence reigned again. And relief and gratitude came over me in a healing wave.

PG Bhaskar is a private banker and has authored several books. He tries hard to keep up with the times @bhaskarpg and Look out for his weekly humor column on B-Change Saturdays.

Recommended: This, That & Other Nonsense Vol. XXII: Fast Cars | PG Bhaskar