
This, That & Other Nonsense Vol. I | PG Bhaskar

This That and Other Nonsense 1

PG Bhaskar Books ,,,,,,,,,

Whenever I offer unsolicited advice to my wife, she frowns and tells me ‘I don’t want your pearls of wisdom’. Sometimes, she actually asks me for my advice and then proceeds to do the opposite. I have been saving up all those unwanted pearls for a long time. So when the young entrepreneurs behind B-Change asked me if I would write a weekly piece, I grabbed the chance. I would have liked to call this column ‘Pearls of Wisdom’ but modestly decided on ‘This, that and other nonsense’.

I start off this week in spring 2015. Spring? Well, what else can one call it? It was a mild ‘winter’ here in Dubai six weeks ago. Then abruptly, summer started. A two-day sandstorm sent summer packing and ushered in a sort of winter relapse. Two weeks later, the sun threatened to break through the clouds when the city found itself covered in a foggy cloak. Somewhere in between it even rained. Apparently. I saw posts on facebook where friends had gushed ‘Rain!’ Promptly, there were several of those now mandatory posts about how wonderful it would be to chill at home with chai and pakoras. By the way, I wonder if anyone actually does that?

But earlier this week, as I was driving to work, I too spotted some raindrops on my windshield. About seven of them. But sadly, that’s not even as many as the number of massage parlour cards I clear from my car windows daily.

Bhaskar is a private banker and Khaleej Times’ Friday humour columnist. He has authored several books and tries hard to keep up with the times @bhaskarpg and

Featured Image Artwork by Bhoomika Ghaghada.