Easy – because, unknowingly, it isn’t the right size. Ladies, we all know the annoyance of putting on a t-shirt/dress and later realizing that we’re either ‘double-busting’ or our bra cups are standing up, creating a strange gap between our chests the fabric of the bra [You know what I’m talking about]. All in all, it’s an uncomfortable social situation you’d like to avoid at all costs [pulling bra straps and constantly adjusting your bra bra cups isn’t quite socially acceptable].
For the record, you aren’t alone. It seems 76% of women out of the 10,000 surveyed by Triumph in the UK, wear the wrong bra size – and not just that, 29% already know they’re wearing the wrong size!
And remember – what you wear on the inside drastically changes how you look on the outside. All you need is a bit of knowledge to keep your beautiful bust comfortable. When testing out a new or old bra to see if it still fits, you’ll have to move around: stand, look in the mirror, raise your arms, front to back &up to down, and change position.
B-Change gives you the ultimate guide to bra fitting [and while you’re at it, conduct a breast self-examination – sneaky, huh?]:
Get on your feet and look at your reflection

Bra: Make sure the center front of your bra isn’t bulging and remains flat against the chest. If it sticks out to be visible under clothes, you have the wrong band size. Additionally, there should be no bulging [too small] or creases [too big] over the cup. If there is, you’ve got the wrong cup size.
Breasts: Check your breasts for any lumps, dimpling, swelling or distortion. These are symptoms of Breast Cancer.

Bra: If the straps of the bra are parallel to each other or make a slight v-shape, you’re good to go – that bra will stay on through the day. If the straps aren’t parallel or v, you have the wrong band size.
Breasts: Check your breasts for indentations, skin erosion or nipple retraction. Also, look out for asymmetrical shape.

Bra: No, the straps of your bra shouldn’t leave red marks on your shoulders at the end of the day [obviously]. Use the adjuster to loosen the straps so the bra fits comfortably. If that doesn’t help, you have a size too small.
Breasts: Check your breasts for any redness, heat, soreness, rashes, or fluid.
Raise your arms

Bra: Your bra shouldn’t ride up as you raise your arms. If it does, you may have picked a size too small. The cups should support 80% of your breasts with the straps for additional pull [many women make this mistake thinking the straps need to keep the breasts upright – that’s the cups’ job].
Breasts: When conducting a self-examination, this allows for closer inspection of the breasts for the above-mentioned signs.
Look front to back and up to down

Bra: See that the underband of the bra runs horizontal in a straight line from front to back – It shouldn’t be riding up. If it is higher at the back, the size is too small.
Breasts: When conducting a self-examination while lying down, use your finger pads close together in small circular motions to feel for any lumps or swelling. Make sure you cover the entire breast, moving vertically in rows – up and down all the way from the front of the breast to the back [towards your armpits].
Change your position

Bra: To see if a bra fits well, when putting it on, try bending over, letting your bust fall naturally into the cups and then readjusting it. This ensures that your bra fits even while you’re on the move. If your breasts still bulge out from the sides or the center sticks out, the cup size is too small. If your breasts are tucked in, but the front of the bra sticks up, the cup size is too big.
Breasts: Conduct an examination while sitting or in the shower as it helps to be thorough.
Regular check-ups

Bra: Whenever you’re purchasing a bra, make sure you re-check your cup size. Your breast size may change over time, due to age, hormonal changes or weight loss/gain. Measure the underbust and bend over to measure the appropriate cup size every few months.
Measure online here.
Breasts: Self-examinations should be conducted every month for all women. In addition, women from the age of 20 should visit their General Physician every 3 years and women over the age of 40 should have a mammogram every 2 years.
Not an empty request: Share this with a friend you’ve had the bra conversation with
And you know you’ve had so many! Bras never seem to fit. Just as we talk about bra fitting, why do we shy away from talking about Breast Cancer? You’ve heard it before, but ‘Early detection saves lives’ – so why NOT have a causal conversation with the girls?
We’re not trying to trick you – there is a serious lack of conversation even now about the issue of breast cancer in the U.A.E. We’re simply adding our two cents to keep this talk going. B-Change thinks pink all year round and wants you to too. Learn about the signs and symptoms of Breast Cancer to take care of yourself and all the women in your life. Stay safe and sound.
Featured Image: www.brazenbras.com