Maybe you can’t find anything to wear because you have it buried under clothes you don’t WANT to wear.
With every spring cleaning come pangs of regret, attachment and longing. You know what we’re talking about – Those gifted shoes that look amazing but don’t fit or that dress you try on every month but never wear.

If you think women in UAE are different, think again.

Whether it’s change in your taste or a case of buyer’s regret, women have an irritating habit of hoarding clothes they’ll never use.
For those of you who plead guilty, imagine a genie who pried away items you’re never really going to use and puts money back in your pocket.
It’s here – digitally. Exclusive to the UAE, SHEDD, a burgeoning fashion community app allows you to post items and sell them easily and for free.
Having used it myself, the process is incredibly simple. Snap, post, sell. You can chat with buyers in-app, like and comment on items, then either meet the seller face-to-face, or pay with PayPal and arrange shipping.
It meets you halfway so you can make room for clothes you want, but it’s up to you to make the tough decision of letting things go. Here’s a little fact that’ll help loosen your attachment:
Half of the women surveyed in the UK say they may have £173 worth of items in their closet that are unworn.
What can you buy for a grand? Find out. Download it here: