
Béchamel Sauces and Shakes- Using Whey in Recipes

Béchamel Sauces and Shakes- Using Whey in Recipes

Priya Mahadevan Food ,

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This piece is devoted to whey protein. There are many different products available in the market, each claiming to be the best. They come in powdered forms, which are then added to your fruits and yogurt to make a splendid protein shake.

After much research for purity and taste, I would recommend Terra whey as one of the finest tasting and genuine whey in the market – and I am not being paid to say this! However, if you find whey protein powders way too expensive, which they are, here is a wonderful way to make it yourself, while having the added advantage of a delicious cheese.

Make Whey for Whey

Indians sometimes make paneer or Indian cottage cheese at home. How easy is this process – only too easy – 1 gallon of milk brought to boil and a cup of lemon juice added to it at boiling—you will see the whey separate from the fat or cheese and that is the whey I would like to expand on with a couple of interesting recipes.

So the gallon of milk yields about a quart’s worth of cheese and you are left worth more than a half-gallon worth of whey extract you have drained from the cheese. Please don’t chuck this. I made a delicious berry shake with it. And I made the classic French white sauce –aka- béchamel with it and it tastes so fine, you did not miss the fat from the cream it is usually made with.

Smoothies My Whey

For a shake with whey here are some delicious add ons [not all at once]:

Banana, Berries – all kinds, Peaches and other tropical fruits, Spinach and other power greens, Peanut butter, Almonds, walnuts and other nuts, Honey, Cooked oatmeal, Jalepeno, Ginger.


Be mindful of the calories you tack on – because what started of as a health drink could become a high fat high calorie meal! A little of this and a little of that is the way to go in 8 ounces of the whey extract.

Bechamel Sauce My Whey

Bechamel sauce made using Whey.

Olive Oil replaces butter

1% milk replaces whole milk/cream

Whey replaces 1/2 the amount of milk required

APF (all Purpose flour) for thickening the sauce in the smallest amounts

A pinch of nutmeg, pepper &salt and voila, béchamel is served…

Take the fat out of the recipe and getting the protein in – Even the French have to be happy!

Other ways to use whey

Instead of water in soups or gravies.

Replacing water to cook rice or other grains.